Post-concussion dizziness & vestibular rehabilitation
Elizabeth Crawford Elizabeth Crawford

Post-concussion dizziness & vestibular rehabilitation

Vestibular symptoms like dizziness, vertigo, imbalance, and visual dependence are common after concussion. Watch Shaleen Sulway’s presentation for the Canadian Concussion Centre on the role of vestibular physiotherapy in evaluating and treating vestibular symptoms after mTBI.

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Vertigo after head injury: Post-traumatic BPPV
Elizabeth Crawford Elizabeth Crawford

Vertigo after head injury: Post-traumatic BPPV

Vertigo after head injury or concussion/mTBI is most often caused by BPPV. This condition is very effectively treated with physiotherapy. Symptoms last less than a minute and are triggered by lying down, rolling in bed, looking up, or bending over. BPPV can also cause balance problems, motion sensitivity, nausea, and anxiety. Learn about post-traumatic BPPV and how vestibular rehab can help.

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Sleep and vestibular disorders
Elizabeth Crawford Elizabeth Crawford

Sleep and vestibular disorders

Sleep problems are common in vestibular disorders and concussion/mild traumatic brain injury. Sleep is important for recovery, and poor sleep can worsen vestibular symptoms like dizziness and imbalance. Learn how insomnia impacts your recovery and tips to help improve your sleep.

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